BID goes to vote with full proposal

Oct 16, 2024

Globe Business Park BID team are delighted to bring you the 2025-2029 proposal for BID3. Our mission is to make GBP a better place to work, do business and for users to enjoy all that the local area has to offer. During our initial two terms the BID has invested in Globe to generate a vibrant trading environment.

Our BID 3 proposal sets out our priorities for the next five years. We are asking for your support to ensure Globe Business Park continues to grow as a safe and secure location, and make it greener, cleaner, and more sustainable for companies, organisations, and their employees.

The Globe BID3 Proposal will be voted on in November 2024 by levy-paying businesses and organisations in business rated properties at Globe Business Park. The renewal ballot is your opportunity to vote ‘YES’ to maintain and continue to develop Globe Business Park as a fantastic place to do business.