• 20th Jul 2016
  • co-ordinated-and-connected

Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking, are pleased to invite you to join us on free monthly lunchtime walk for those working at Globe Business Park.

No need to book, simply pop on comfy shoes, and enjoy the fresh air and hopefully sunshine.

The first walk will be held on:

Thursday 04th August 2016, 1:00pm

Meet outside Coopers Cafe

And monthly thereafter, on the first thursday of the month (dates confirmed below). For more information contact - amy.moore@livingstreets.org.uk | 07714 616 617 or Margaret McCarthy –margaret.mccarthy@groundwork.org.uk | 07850 310 592

Let everyone know how your walking week is going @livingstreets @Buckscc using the #getmarlowmoving.

Confirmed Dates for 2016:

Thursday 1st September

Thursday 6th October

Thursday 3rd November

Thursday 1st December
