• 30th Apr 2015
  • sustainable-transport

Living Streets’ annual free workplace walking challenge is a fun way to get some healthy competition going between you and your colleagues, and get you feeling all the benefits of walking more during the working day:

Here’s how it works:

Log your walks - See how they all add up to burn calories and save CO2.

View totalisers - Live workplace and team totals and leaderboards will spur you on.

Add it up - Count all your walking, whether it’s to work, at lunch or for a meeting.

Get competitive - Challenge your colleagues and take part in individual and team activities.

In May 2014 workplaces around the UK logged more than 50,000 miles during Walk to Work Week. We reckon that together we can do even better this year.

Workplaces at Globe Park can access other Living Streets’ services free of charge. To sign up, and find out how else we can work with you, contact your local Living Streets’ project coordinator, Amy Moore, at amy.moore@livingstreets.org.uk
